It's all in the stars

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


It's been a VERY long time since I last put up a post, but now I feel like I have something to write about and something worth updating regularly.


I can honestly say I've waited much of my life to be able to say that. I guess I was the stereotypical girl who dreamed of finding the right person and getting married. I've DREAMED of putting on a pretty white dress and walking down the isle to the one I love. Fortunately, I've found him and now we're getting MARRIED!!!!

One thing I tried to tell my significant other from the beginning is that I don't want this process to be crazy and out of control. We've talked for a long time about the things we like and what we're interested in so it's not as though we're starting from scratch now. The first thing I wanted to get out of the way was booking a place for the reception so that we had our date and then everything else would fall into place.

So, we're going to look at our first choice tomorrow morning. We've gotten a few tips here and there but for the most part, in the dark. I've started making a list of things that are important to ask and then we'll go from there.

The point still is, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!!!


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