It's all in the stars

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I'm sitting on my parent's couch right now listening to all of the wonderful sounds around me. In the dining room my dad, fiance, 2 brothers, and 1 sister are all playing poker (i hardly know her!) and having a grand ole time. I'm not playing because I have to be at work very early and driving my fiance and I home tonight around 11. My mom just got up to start straightening some things up and providing the poker players with some game snacks. I hear the Devils game on the TV (they're winning 1-0) and the little skiers on her winter wonderland set going down the hill. The Christmas tree lights are glowing and it's warm and homey.

Sometimes I really miss hanging out here on a regular basis, but it's so nice to just be home sometimes.

I will admit that I was a little worried for a few days about how the holidays were going to work out, since this year my fiance and I had to figure things out. As stressed as I was, it ended up being easier than I expected and I've really had a great 3 days. It was hard waking up in someone else's house on Christmas morning and doing their tradition, but my family made me feel as though Christmas morning started all over again Christmas evening.

I feel fat and stuffed, but my running regimen will begin again tomorrow (I took about a week and a half off due to my busy schedule). The vast amount of food has been wonderful but so filling and rich and I feel as though I have to de-tox my body.

I'm reminded once again though how fast everything goes, because Christmas is over!! However, next year will be our first Christmas as a married couple :)

And by the way...200 days until our wedding!!


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