It's all in the stars

Friday, October 20, 2006


Today I'm having a bunch of random thoughts running through my head.

It's day 2 of being miserable for SEVERAL reasons, many of which pertain to my job. However, it is also day 2 of my running for the week and today went a lot better than day #1. Since it was raining heavily this morning when I got to work, I decided to run on the treadmill instead. I ran 2 miles and had such a great sweat going on that it outweighed the fact that I only ran 2 miles in the amount of time I used to run 3 miles in. That is quite sad to me, but I kept reminding myself that this is only the 2nd time running since the first week in July when everything went downhill for me in the running department. I was happy to be back on the wagon with running but it does produce a couple of negative effects.

Until running becomes more natural for me again, it kills me when I run in the morning because then I am dragging the rest of the day from just feeling so exhausted. This week has been a rough week to begin with, so when you add on early morning workouts, it doesn't make the week go by any quicker.

Between yesterday and today I've had several work matters that have driven me crazy. I am reminded over and over again how much things have changed when it comes to children competing in athletics and parental involvement. When my family participated in athletics, we were fortunate to have parents who tried to make it to every event we participated in. They did this even if it meant that they had to leave work early, take a half day, etc. I loved that my parents were always there to support me. Even this summer when I ran a race, my parents were there at the finish line to cheer me on (along with my wonderful fiance).

However, my parents were involved because they were there for us and supportive of us. If we came home and complained about the coach, they listened, but also sided with the coach if they knew we had an attitude, or were in the wrong. These days, parents call the school over every single negative thing (I stress thing because it can be anything right down to a dirty look). It's amazing to hear things that parents call the school over to complain about.

In my department, I must call parents to inform them if their child is injured. There is a certain amount that I will draw the line with because I feel that high school teenagers should have enough responsibility to relay the information I give them to their parents when it comes down to home care. I have even made several papers to send home with kids for specific injuries. However, there have been parents who have called to say that they needed a call, they should've gotten a call, etc. It's amazing. Do kids take responsibility for anything anymore?

Anyway, I could go on and on with that because I had issues with parents yesterday who didn't seem to care what I had to tell them. So either way, it's a lose lose situation.

I've noticed a ton of fruit flies and regular flies in my office and today I found the source. It was DISGUSTING to discover this and annoying to know it was because my office is neglected in the cleanliness department in this place.

Either way, this is the end to 2 crappy days in a row and I know that things aren't any better with the other half. We need a good weekend.


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