It's all in the stars

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Oscar the GROUCH

Ok, so pardon me while I vent for a second....

- At 6:30am this morning I got behind the ONLY car on the road who was going 10 mph UNDER the speed limit.

- I had to be at work at 7am on a Saturday.

- My OFFICE door was propped open as everyone around this place feels it's fine for MY OFFICE to be propped open. I guess that's why everyday there's something new missing.

- People were complaining to ME that the bathroom doors weren't open. I never realized I was a janitor. So, I had to go on a search of the building to find the janitors to open the bathrooms.

- I told a kid until I was blue in the face that he needed a certain form filled out to return to wrestling. What does he do? He brings in a form that is totally different, doesn't even say the condition, and does not pass the standards for NJ wrestling. So screw him, he probably can't wrestle now.

- Even though I gave a parent TWO courtesy phone calls last night asking for him to return my call, I STILL didn't get one back.

- I'm wearing a pair of khaki pants for the SECOND time before washing. You should be able to wear a pair of pants 2 times before washing....But noooo, these feel stretched out, uncomfortable and now I feel self-conscious that everyone can NOTICE what I'm feeling.

- My hair is a DISASTER.

- The official of the wrestling match was being an A!* to me today.

- I had to be the one to clean up VOMIT off the wrestling mat.

- I've been bitched at by coaches.

- I feel as though I have NO weekend. FANNNNNNTASTIC.


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