It's all in the stars

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Day 3 o'running

I had decided that I would come in to run before work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. However, I just couldn't get out of bed yesterday morning, so I brought clothes with me to run after work. After all, it was supposed to be a light day, no home games, and practices typically end by 5pm so that the kids can get on the late bus. However, soccer decided to go late and I didn't even finish with that until almost 6pm. Staying here after that to go run just wasn't an option.

So instead, I went this morning and improved a little. It's getting a little bit easier running, I'm at least getting my wind back quicker this time than I have in the past. Since the temperature gauge in my car only read 40 degrees, there was NO WAY I was going running outside. I've done all of that in past, running through all types of weather, and I just can't run in the cold anymore. It hurts to even think about it.

However, treadmill running I feel can be a little deceiving. It is certainly not the same as running outside because you may be in the best shape on the treadmill, but then you go run outside and it's a shock. That's what makes me a little nervous about running indoors on the treadmill. My friend and I have decided to start doing road races together because we've both done them alone in the past. I enjoy doing them, but it's not as much fun if you don't have someone to run with. I just don't know if I'm going to be able to get myself outside now that it's officially cold.

Speaking of cold. I am VERY excited to be going to a Rutgers football game on Sunday, however, it's at night which means it's going to be very cold. That proposition scares me. We went to the Army/Navy football game last December and it was COLD. So cold that my body just HURT. It will be worth it though to finally get to go to a game :)


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