It's all in the stars

Friday, February 09, 2007

Mall trip = Good morals

Yesterday, I decided to trek over to the mall for three reasons: 1. I was home alone. 2. I actually got out of work at a decent time. 3. I still had gift cards from christmas that hadn't been used yet. So, I pull into the parking lot and notice something....

...there was an old man wandering around, obviously trying to find his car. My stomach started to turn because I felt SO BAD, and didn't know what to do. I waited, and watched, and then finally decided I couldn't just go inside and leave him out there.

So I asked him if he needed help, and he seemed so grateful. He told me he couldn't find his car, but he KNEW he parked it in that lot, not far from the entrance to JcPenny. So, we started walking, and I ran over to the other side of the building to make sure he wasn't parked over there. It was really cold out, so I offered to drive him around the isles to see if we could find it and he refused, telling me he felt really badly for me to go out of my way that way. So, we started walking again and we finally found it, not far from where we were at the time. To give him credit, it WAS parked between 2 big cars and was slightly hidden.

It's amazing though to see how people react in that situation. Everyone else, just walked right on by. I was appalled at one woman...very nastily (is that a word?) she said "Just go inside and get a security guard to help him". Ok, so I'm just going to pass off this old man to someone else??

In the end, the guy was extremely appreciative, kept telling me I was an angel, and thanked me over and over again. What he said afterwards was I started walking back to the mall he said..."Wait! There's only one good explanation...I'm 89 years old and I don't know if I'm coming or going!"

I thank my parents for raising me with good morals. I felt so great afterwards KNOWING that I could be of help, that he was appreciative, and that he was 89 years old still able to go to the mall...and be healthy...and he looked great for 89!

My point in this story is NOT to give myself props (haha, i used props!) for helping. It's more to say, PLEASE don't just walk on by...sometimes we all need a little bit of help...


At 7:42 AM, Blogger hyb said...

The fact that you don't want props (see, I used props, too) also shows that your parents raised you right. Well done!


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